All financial entities are mandated for Electronic Disbursement of Salaries, however such entities face a challenge in establishing a cost effective service delivery model suitable for low income segments and, thus, face difficulties in retaining their corporates due to lack of a customized value proposition.
We have a deep understanding of their operating models, which allows us to craft solutions and deliver services that more effectively meet the needs of all major players in this space.
By doing this, the banks would be contributing directly to the financial inclusion of the low income cash wage earners into the financial mainstream of UAE, an important objective of the federal government today.
Low Cost Entry
Minimal OR No Additional Infrastructure: Increase in customers leads to an increase in the infrastructure requirement, such as staff, IT and operational cost, etc. But with the Tie-up with Mint Middle East, partner banks will be able to utilize the integrated technology platform well-geared for handling volumes and well customized to deliver the various distribution channels.
Larger Customer Base
By outsourcing lower segment to Mint Middle East, Partner banks can serve the entire employer strength and win the payroll accounts for the higher salary segments.
More Revenue Streams
Banks will be able to take advantage of multiple revenue streams offered to the Bank customers through Mint Middle East Value added services.